Guide To Celebrating National Beer Day

How to Celebrate National Beer Day 2022
One of the oldest recipes known to mankind is for making beer, and we’ve been perfecting and enjoying it ever since. Another one of our favorite holidays here at Hopdoddy (and half of our name), National Beer Day is right around the corner and we can’t wait to share it with you. But where does this national holiday come from and with so many options, what’s the best way to celebrate it?
History of National Beer Day
Before we dive into our favorite way to commemorate the holiday, we have to go back to the beginning. 89 years ago in 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Cullen-Harrison Act into law, legalizing the sale of low-alcohol beer in the country and ending Prohibition. He’s quoted as saying the same thing we’ve found ourselves saying more often than we’d like to admit, “I think this would be a good time for a beer.” National Beer Day commemorates that day, and we raise a can, a bottle, or a pint to it in honor.
When is National Beer Day?
The holiday falls on Thursday, April 7 this year, meaning that it’s perfect for those Thursday happy hours, starting your weekend a little early, or avoiding big Friday night crowds. It also means that it arrives the day after Hopdoddy Happy Hour launches at all locations, so stop by and enjoy $5 craft beers at one of our locations.
How to celebrate the day
The obvious and easy answer here is to just drink your favorite beer. However, we want to challenge you to get creative with your use of beer, to get a deeper appreciation for its variety and versatility.
Try a new beer
Beer has been around for thousands of years, meaning that there are near-limitless variations and flavors. Because of this, there’s always another beer to try and who knows — it might turn out to be your new favorite. Whether it’s a big brand like Modelo or Coors, or a smaller one like Shiner, step out of your comfort zone, try something (or a few) out of the ordinary, and see if you like it!
Support your local craft brewery
Arguably the backbone of beer in America, local breweries are great ways to spend this national holiday, and doing so also gives back to your community. It also goes hand in hand with trying something different, as local breweries often have a variety of unique and creative beers that use high-quality, fresh ingredients. In addition, you can ask your local brewmaster for recommendations based on your preferences, which takes the guesswork out of where to get started, or what to try next.
If you’re looking for local options, Hopdoddy has some of our favorite local craft brews on tap for each of our locations. From Pax Verum Brewing in Dallas and Bootleggers Brewery in Newport Beach, to Huss Brewing Co. in Phoenix and Yazoo Brewing Company in Memphis, we pride ourselves on giving a truly local experience and supporting our nearby breweries. Check what’s on tap at your local Hopdoddy today!
Make your own homebrew
Even if you’re staying home for National Beer Day, there are still plenty of ways to celebrate. Dabbling in creating your own brew is a great way to get involved and really make the day your own. There are lots of homebrew kits for beginners and even if your first few tries aren’t perfect, it’s a fun experience to get a more personal connection with the holiday, and something you can feel proud of creating.
Try cooking with beer
An out-of-the-box way to celebrate beer is actually by cooking with it instead of drinking it. Beer is incredibly versatile and can be used for baking, marinating, braising, sauces, and much more. Our favorite way to do this is with meats (surprising, right?), infusing them with moisture and flavor. We’ve found that the best beer for this kind of cooking is a dark ale, but feel free to experiment and let us know what your favorite is.
Celebrate with a cold beer & delicious burger
No matter how you celebrate National Beer Day, a perfect pairing is with a burger. After all, alcohol and burgers are our business and passion. We have a range of beers on tap, so stop by one of our locations and celebrate the holiday with us!